Advisory Board Crystals Unveil 2024 “Resolutions” Hoodie


Advisory Board Crystals are kicking off 2024 with a new version of their annual “Resolutions” hoodie.

This version features a purple and blue color scheme and a puff print quote on the front that reads “My Idols Are Dead And My Enemies Are In Power.” This is a follow-up to the LA-based brand’s 2023 hoodie, which featured the quote “How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found.” You can also check out the 2022 version here and the 2021 hoodie here.

Each of these “Resolutions” hoodies hold a deeper meaning, reflecting on the current state of the culture and society as a whole. Abc. cofounder Remington Guest had provided insight on this year’s hoodie in a six paragraph statement which you can read in full down below:

‘My idols are dead and my enemies are in power’ can at first be assumed to be a matter of fact phrase, a representation of an exercise in source of origin of internet phenomena, or even a metaphor for past and/or current political atmospheres. It has an undertone of punk ethos, of rebellion and distrust for society. It’s a phrase that can be seen as “divisive” and “loaded.” We love it and it holds space for all of it. Everything and nothing. In this context, our intent functions to present it to you as sort of an inflection point for the year ahead. Resolutions take many forms and this years does just that. Apply your own meaning, utilize the following as a basis.

We reflect on the phrase “my idols are dead” as a poignant expression of the inevitable passage of time and the impermanence of external sources of inspiration. We look to delve into the universal experience of losing figures or ideals that once held significant meaning, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life and the need for individuals to adapt and seek new sources of inspiration as they evolve. Shifting shifting shifting, get out of neutral, let’s hit drive. Direction? THAT WAY ⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️↙️↘️↖️↗️

Regarding “enemies are in power,” we focus on the metaphorical interpretation of facing challenges or opposition in life. This could lead to discussions on resilience, the human capacity to confront adversity, and the transformative power of overcoming obstacles. It could be suggested that one might explore how adversity, whether personal or external, can serve as a catalyst for growth, self-discovery, and the development of inner strength.

Additionally, our notion could delve into the psychological and emotional dimensions of the quote. We may prompt you to examine the impact of such a statement on an individual’s sense of agency and well-being. This could involve reflections on coping mechanisms, the importance of introspection, and the role of personal philosophy in navigating the complexities of life.

In essence, our current direction revolves around the broader themes of human existence—change, loss, resilience, and personal development. Through this lens, we may provide insights into how individuals can navigate the ebb and flow of life, finding meaning and growth even in the face of challenges or the loss of once-revered ideals.

Details include: chain stitch embroidered 2024 and Abc. text, puff print front quote, puff print logo on back, inverted construction with exposed contrast seams, vintage style, custom dye, natural rope cording, natural hood interior, woven flag label, hologram and pulltab on back neck, woven neck label with clg code.

The 2024 Advisory Board Crystals “Resolutions” hoodie drops January 24th at 9am PST on the Abc. website. Check it out below.


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