Sneaker enthusiast constantly complain about the quality of their shoes. We check our comments and we always have someone saying how a certain brand’s quality has been lacking or the old head that will complain about how great the leather was back in the day. As 2020 presidential hopeful Kanye West would say, “listen to the kids, bro”. With that being said, Adidas has been listening to the kids, as they bring us their latest collection.
With the popular emergence of the Stan Smith model and the resurrection of the Mid top version, the silhouettes has been upgraded with a premium leather brought to you by Horween Leather Company. Both models are constructed with a single piece of vegetable tanned leather and overcast stitching. The shoes are completed with an debossed Stan Smith logo and a gold Adidas Trefoil logo. A white sole and laces creates a contrast to make these shoes a beauty.
adidas Originals introduces the Stan Smith Horween Leather Pack in stores October 9th.
Founded in 1905, Horween Leather Company demonstrates craftsmanship at its finest by producing handmade leathers and utilizing vegetable tanning techniques cultivated through the last century to create Essex leather. adidas Originals and Horween redefine an iconic shoe by using premium Essex leather for a refreshed look of a wardrobe staple.
Featuring a deconstructed single piece leather upper with over cast stitching heel detail and a gold foil adidas Originals logo featured on both the tongue and heel, the Stan Smith classic and mid are updated with meticulous design details.
Available at adidas Originals retail partners and, the Stan Smith PC and Stan Smith Mid PC retail for $150 and $160 respectively.